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What are the guarantees and assurances that these
supplies will continue to exist?
Numerous studies over the past 30 years by
federal and state groundwater experts,
combined with over 35 years of data on the
water level and water quality effects of
pumping at the PCS facility have
demonstrated that the Castle Hayne Aquifer
underlying the PCS property can sustain at
least 78 mgd of pumping indefinitely.
These studies show: - Demonstrated
stability of the cone of depression
resulting from PCS pumping for over 35
years, including periods when pumpage
was greater than 80 mgd.
The fact that water levels are stable in
the Castle Hayne demonstrates that
groundwater discharge is in balance with
groundwater recharge.
According to the North Carolina
Division of Water Resources, this
conclusion is one of the reasons that
proposed reductions in pumpage from
groundwater under the new Central
Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area
regulations do not include the Castle
Hayne Aquifer.
Numerous studies by the U.S. Geological
Survey, the State of North Carolina, and
a special study group of internationally
renowned hydrogeologists were use to
develop the technical basis for PCS’
current permitted amount of 78 mgd.
These studies included groundwater flow
and salt-water migration models and
assessments. These conclusions are
documented in: “Texasgulf, Inc. Aurora
Phosphate Mine, Technical Report in
Support of Renewal and Modification of
Water Use Permit No. 3”, dated August,
1991. The conclusion of
these and subsequent studies conducted
by the USGS and others, including Dr.
Richard Spruill of Eastern Carolina
University and his graduate students is
that pumping from wells on the PCS
property is simply capturing a portion
of the groundwater that naturally
discharges to the Pamlico River and
Pamlico Sound.
These studies further concluded that
the natural recharge to the Castle Hayne
aquifer is in balance with the
combination of pumpage from PCS wells
and continued natural discharge to the
River and the Sound. This
balance can be sustained as long as
pumpage from PCS does not exceed the 78
mgd of their permit.
Recent Assessment of the Water Supply
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Eagle Water Company * 4005 Lake Springs
Court * Raleigh, NC * USA * 27613-1525
Phone: (919) 345-1013 Fax: (888) 453-0958
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